Tirelessly Fighting for Your


Family law attorneys dedicated to helping individuals with mediation, child custody, alimony and divorce cases. Our goal is to help you reach an agreement, and when needed, we argue for fair arrangements, always keeping in mind your best interests of your children.

Guardian ad Litem

Guardian ad Litem



Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Divorce

Modification Orders

Modification Orders

Child Custody

Child Custody



Domestic Violence Orders

Domestic Violence Orders

Child Support

Raising a child involves many types of expenses, both predictable and unexpected. Children are entitled to financial support from both parents, whether parents are married or not, but if too heavy a burden is placed on one parent, the child will be the one to suffer. At Park Gold LTD., our goal to negotiate on behalf of our clients, in order to make fair, and enforceable child support arrangements. 

We help our clients across the Chicagoland area and in other parts of Illinois to outline the needs of their children, and the parent’s financial abilities. Our top priority is to create fair agreements that protect the rights of your child, so they can be raised in a safe and secure manner.

We work to educate parents on child support guidelines and explain how they are applied in their specific case. Our goal is to empower parents through this process, educating families on their rights, and the rights of their children.



Negotiate child support through mediation


If mediation fails, we will fight for your children's best interests in a courtroom


In the case of non-compliance, we can make sure support orders are enforced


Our skilled experts help parents reach and maintain a fair child support arrangement

Mediation reduces the time and cost of divorce court and puts the power of the decisions in your hands.

Mediation gives you and your partner the opportunity to negotiate a divorce settlement in a structured setting through with GUIDANCE of a trained facilitator. Through the mediation process, and cooperation we can help you remove the unpredictability of litigation.  Providing effective divorce mediation services and helping families find solutions, to complex problems.  If litigation is necessary to reach just and equitable resolutions to alimony, custody and other matters, we are prepared to advocate on your behalf in court in pursuit of the most favorable outcome. We use mediation strategies to guide the negotiation process toward a healthy resolution for all parties involved. 

Save Time and Money Through Mediation

Mediation services are a good option for those considering a divorce or other family law matters. PARK GOLD Law offices provide comprehensive guidance through this alternative dispute resolution process. Mediation can help parties provide closure to issues such as custody, child support, alimony and or property division, while avoiding the courtroom. 

As mediation has many of the positive benefits, and results, it has been largely adopted in courtrooms across the United States, and now many states require mandatory divorce mediation. 


Instead of working on the court’s schedule and dealing with their procedural requirements, spouses decide when to meet and what needs to be discussed.

Cost Savings

Litigation costs can mount quickly, potentially causing financial problems that last long after the marriage has concluded. During mediation, parties can limit what they spend.

Privacy and Stress Relief

A public courtroom is an uncomfortable place to discuss the personal issues often associated with divorce. We allow clients to speak openly in a private, dignified setting.

Need guidance creating a fair parental agreement ?

Strategic Mediation Works for Fair Parenting Time Agreements

Children are best served when parents maintain a cordial relationship. Through the structured process of mediation, couples can often set aside hostility and agree on key decisions affecting their children. Mediation can be a highly effective tool for parents to preserve their children’s well-being and the stability of their lives during the turbulent process of divorce: it takes some of the stress out of child custody conflicts and puts important child-rearing decisions in the hands of the parents rather than the court.

Primary and joint custody arrangements

Parent and Grandparent visitation

Order modification and enforcement

Juvenile delinquency and dependency proceedings

Decisions related to religion, education and upbringing of the child

Guidance and Advice through a Divorce

Our understanding of Illinois divorce laws and experience in the courtroom allows us to provide advice on all aspects of divorce, addressing any questions you may have.

We will work tirelessly for your family, to find the best solutions, in all aspects of your divorce.

Child Custody Dispute Resolution

If you are at odds with your child’s other parent about where your child should live, how much time they should spend with each parent or how they should be raised, it is essential to seek the advice of a qualified family law attorney.

Park Gold lawyers are here to present your case to the court and advocate for your rights to raise your child in a healthy, thriving environment. Above all else, our law firm is committed to protecting your child’s best interests while respecting your parental relationships.

Have questions? Contact a lawyer at Park Gold Ltd.

Family Law Pricing Info

Divorce Without Children

$3500 / Retainer 

  • No minor children
  • Includes filling fees 

$5000 / Retainer 

  • Includes Filling Fees 



